Personal Website of:
Teresa Krause

About Me

Hey, I'm a programmer and a student and a dog-lover

I'm studying computer science at NEU, and will graduate in June 2017.

I'm working with HackBeanpot Inc. on our 2017 event. I volunteered at HackBeanpot 2015, and was on the organizing team for HackBeanpot 2016.

Last year I served as the Vice President, and this year I plan to attend meetings as well as go with the group to the Grace Hopper Celebration in October.

Hire Me



June 2017! I'll be graduating from Northeastern next year, and I'm looking for a full-time development position.


Short answer: anywhere. Long answer: San Francisco Bay Area (home), Seattle, Austin, Boston, anywhere that you can convince me is fun.


The majority of my experience is with web apps (as a back-end Java engineer) but I'm also interested in Robotics, mobile development, and UX.

I've been involved in leadership positions for many of the organizations that are important to me. I served as the Vice President of the NU Women in Technology club, as well as VP of HackBeanpot Inc. and secretary for the NU ACM chapter.

I've done both front-end (Javascript) development and back-end (Java REST API) development on large-scale web applications. My personal projects are all on my github.

I can use the Microsoft Office suite (as well as equivalent word processing programs,) as well as various photo and video editing software such as the Adobe Creative Suite and Final Cut Pro. I've worked on Windows, Mac, and Linux environments.